Equal parts self-aggrandising, self-referential and self-conscious, this is a page dedicated to my life, work, family, friends and the things that make me go mmm...

Saturday 8 December 2007

New Horizons

Today is all about new beginnings, new directions and, indeed, new horizons. Despite a quietly overwhelming sense that the weight of personal history deems it an uphill battle of Sisyphean proportions, I am aiming to make this little vanity project more than what it currently is. What it currently is has turned out to be a dumping ground for published interviews that I put up when I've decided to stay in on a Saturday night and turn to it from sheer boredom. But after reading the first few posts of my friend D's new blog, I'm inspired to be a little less lax about the whole thing and make mine a little more, well, engaging.

So, much like the denizens of so many second-rate addiction rehabilitation institutions, I will fight my hardest against something so inherently part of my nature, let go and let God.

Take my hand...

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